Explore moor from our door 🗻

This has just got even better. Now when you next embark on your Dartmoor journey from our store, you can grab one of our litter pickers!
Dartmoor National Park Authority have generously loaned us one of their awesome litter picking boards (designed and made by 2 Minute Beach Clean!).
So, whether your out with the fam or doing a tor, now you can clean as you go, after all, it's all our responsibility to protect the places we love 🙌

We've regularly been heading out, picking up anything and everything we can find! Once you're done on your Dartmoor journey, simply head back and drop the litter pickers where you found them, then maybe grab a coffee 😉

Take some photos, tag us @dewerstone @dewerstoneprincetown and we'll show the world we appreciate your efforts.
*You don't need to enjoy coffee & cake with us in order to use the litter pickers!
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