Introducing: James Merryweather//Dewerstone Ambassador//Slackliner//Freediver//Musician - dewerstone

Introducing: James Merryweather//Dewerstone Ambassador//Slackliner//Freediver//Musician

Having welcomed aboard our latest brand ambassador - 22 year old James Merryweather - we took some time to catch up with the big guy and find out what makes him tick.








So, James; tell us what kind of outdoor stuff you’re into.

I'm in to most outdoor sports that get me up a mountain or under the sea, but what I would consider my favourites are slacklining, freediving, climbing and variations there upon (highlining, SCUBA diving and deep water soloing).

How long have you been free diving and slacklining for?

I have been slacklining for just under four years now, and freediving on and off for ten.

You’re also a pretty talented musician aren’t you? Can you tell us a bit about that?

Music was my first love and it will be my last as a wise man once said! I am a musician first and foremost having played various instruments for as long as I can remember. I began with playing the piano at four, and after a formal education and degree in music and music technology, I have moved into the realm of composition and production. I produce my own music as well as other artists, and write my own material for film, as well as relaxing tunes to support my slackline training. 

If you’re not out climbing, slacklining or in the sea, or making music, what do you like to do?

Most of my spare time is dedicated to music in some form, even if it's just listening and discovering new sounds. But I'm also a bit of a film nut and photographer so I'm always watching or editing something!

Favourite location? (anywhere in the world)

Favourite location would have to be New Zealand or Hawaii. I've never been to either, but having the mountains and the oceans in such proximity must be pretty sick.

Whats the biggest adventure you’ve been on and/or the best feeling you’ve had?

Biggest adventure to date was a boat delivery I assisted with from Sardinia to Mallorca. It was the first time I was completely out of sight of land, light and civilisation. The boat was only 28ft long, and it was open top too so you could see the full Milky Way in detail with a naked eye, and the sea was full of bioluminescent plankton that sparkled blue in the black water. The trip took two days but felt like a week!

Any cool plans for the near future?

I'm constantly scouting for the perfect place to rig my 300m long slackline. That will be a cool project if I ever find the right spot!

Favourite dewerstone product?

The Summit Wooden Sunglasses are amazing.


You can hear James Merryweather’s latest track 'Pines' on Soundcloud.

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