These Shorts Give Back
Why these Shorts Give Back.
A board short we're proud to have created.
We put sustainability at the forefront of the design process, these shorts are built to last and come endorsed by both the World's best athletes and conservationists alike. Recycled feel good fabric made from plastic bottles. Discover how the shorts are made on our Factory Tour.
A board short that puts the planet first.
It is our responsibility to protect the environment our brand is founded upon.
Our 1% for the Planet membership certifies that we uphold our commitment to protecting our only home.
We give 1% of our total sales to environmental non profits including Save Our Rivers, Eden Reforestation and the Gili Eco Trust.

A board short that plants a tree.
For each set of Life Shorts sold, we're planting a tree. It doesn't matter where you buy it, be it direct from us online or in our Princetown store, or from any of the retailers that stock our products.
Every dewerstone product sold = one tree planted.
Through our work with Eden Reforestation we're aiming to fund the planting of 10'000 trees on Biak Island, in Indonesia, in 2020.

A board short that's Carbon Neutral.
All brands should measure their carbon footprint, reduce what they can, offset the rest. Now and forever. Our Climate Neutral certification goes beyond just 'offsetting' and requires us to set ambitious targets to reduce our carbon footprint.